Saturday, 21 July 2012


TIKKA MUSCATA by Simon C. sommelier The fortune to be a Londoner 

De Setúbal Doc is a good value for money sweet wine from Peninsula de Setubal which is not so far from the capital Lisboa.  MS has got a refreshing round aromas which blends with the warm pungent fuming of the curry dish.  We encounter the typical Muscat’s floral note blends, with an uplifting orange skin tang, caramel, hazelnuts, candied fruits amazingly mix with the paprika, turmeric sweet and pungent oriental spices. 


 On the palate we have a complementary match between the acidity of the tomatoes sauce and the high MS ginger acidity. The TA is perfect to cut through the heavy coconuts cream texture. Furthermore the Muscatel’s alcohol helps to balance the weight of the dish. I like the delicate combination when you find a bit of chicken. The drink sugar content and the orange marmalade tang and  the oily viscosity  is a perfect match to calm down the hot red chilly spiciness of the dish.  So it does the long PAI after taste factor. I think there is a good complimentary balance in all the parts of the dish and drink.  I recommend to serve MS at cellar temperature to make it even more, a refreshing exotic experience. A good piece of papadom and last glass at the end of the meal is good Karma indeed. TIKKA MUSCATA is a unique innovative match, affordable and very well integrated in the English modern gastronomy culture. Tikka masala is a British invention, expression of the creativity and diversity of this country. 


TIKKA MUSCATA is a unique innovative match, affordable and very well integrated in the English modern gastronomy culture. Tikka masala is a British invention, expression of the creativity and diversity of this country.